Grab a ☕️ and explore God’s word with Dr. Terry Crist on “Cafe Theology”.
Episode 1:
Kingdom Now and ComingEpisode 2:
The Kingdom and CreationEpisode 3:
The Kingdom and the FallEpisode 4:
The Kingdom and the CovenantEpisode 5:
A Kingdom of PriestsEpisode 6:
The Kingdom and the MonarchyEpisode 7:
The Kingdom and the ExileEpisode 8:
The Return of the KingEpisode 9:
The Kingdom PerspectiveEpisode 10:
The Kingdom and JusticeEpisode 11:
The Church and the Kingdom -
Episode 1:
Where Heaven Met Earth: Overview of the Holy SpiritEpisode 2:
Where is all Began: the Creating SpiritEpisode 3:
Where the Oil Poured Down: The Anointing of the Holy SpiritEpisode 4:
Where the Spirit Made Himself Heard: The Holy Spirit and the ProphetsEpisode 5:
Where the Spirit Chose to Dwell: The Dwelling Presence of the SpiritEpisode 6:
Where the Spirit Came Upon Him: The Spirit and JesusEpisode 7:
Where the Water Became Wine: Becoming Naturally SupernaturalEpisode 8:
Where the Church Was Born in Power: The Spirit and PentecostEpisode 9:
Where We Find Ourselves Today: Pentecost the SequelEpisode 10:
Where the Power is Born: The Baptism of the Holy SpiritEpisode 11:
Where the Fruit is Grown: The Fruit of the SpiritEpisode 12:
Where the Wait Was Too Long: The Holy Spirit and HealingEpisode 13:
Where Things are Made New: The Re-Creating Spirit -
Episode 1:
The Parables of Jesus: Subversive StoriesEpisode 2:
Parable of the Wineskins: Your Old Way Can't Hold the New YouEpisode 3:
Parable of the Sower: Good Soil Produces a Generous HarvestEpisode 4:
Parable of the Weeds: Patience Doesn't Mean PassivityEpisode 5:
Parable of the Mustard Seed: Small Doesn't Mean InsignificantEpisode 6:
Parable of the Treasure: Finding Wealth Beyond ComprehensionEpisode 7:
Parable of the Good Samaritan: Too Busy to be a Good NeighborEpisode 8:
Parable of the Great Banquet: You're InvitedEpisode 9:
Parable of the Lost Sheep: Your Part in the RescueEpisode 10:
Parable of the Rich Man: Money Isn't EvilEpisode 11:
Parable of the Widow: God Hears Your PrayersEpisode 12:
Parable of the Talents: Use It or Lose ItEpisode 13:
Parable of the Sheep & Goats: What Love Looks Like